Sunday, April 10, 2011

Aromatherapy Blend #1 for Head & Body Aches

Pure Essential Oils You Will Need~
    Lavender &  Peppermint

Blend ~
   Lavender                          15 drops
   Peppermint                      5 drops
   Carrier or Base Oil*       2 ounces

Massage your aromatherapy blend directing into your aches and pains : )

**Carrier or base oils are what essential oils are diluted in.  Base oils are  vegetable , nut or seed oils, which themselves  have therapeutic properties.  Here are a few carrier or base oil suggestions:
    Grapeseed Oil
    Sunflower Oil
    Safflower Oil
    Sesame Oil
    Jojoba (which is a wax, not an oil)

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